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Need an energy boost? Check your batteries

Coming back to work after a Summer break can be hard. And whether or not you’ve been away, the effects of the days getting shorter and nights getting longer can leave you feeling drained.

Do you feel like you aren’t working at full power? Then take these two steps to boost your energy…

1. Get focus

To boost your energy you need to focus on the right things for you. One way to think about this is to consider whether you are working at full power in each of the eight key energy areas, which keep us fulfilled in life:

  • Relationships: how satisfied are you in your relationships, the people in your life who are on your side, your version of family?
  • Social life: are you spending time when you are not working doing the things you enjoy, or with the people you really like to be with?
  • Personal development: are you satisfied with how much you are learning and being stretched?
  • Health: are you getting enough exercise and sleep, how is your diet?
  • Attitude: how is your current attitude to the world, are you feeling glass half empty of glass half full?
  • Career: are you satisfied with where you are in your career at this point in your life?
  • Finance: does your income match your lifestyle, or is there more money going out each month than coming in?
  • Values/Spiritual: are you treating yourself and others the way you believe people should be treated, are you living the values that are important to you?

energy1-1We call these eight areas “batteries” because you need to keep them topped up.

At any particular time, some of your batteries could be really high, others could be much lower, and that is completely normal.

If you want to boost your energy you need to identify whether any of your batteries are getting low.

Diagnose each of these areas in your own life by marking on each battery below to what extent they are filled up:

Check your batteries

2. Charge your batteries

The next step is to come up with small achievable goals to charge up your low batteries this week.

These shouldn’t be grand ambitions to change your lifestyle, which are incredibly hard to stick to. But small goals you can achieve that will make a difference.

If you want to do more exercise, set a goal of going for a walk at lunchtime, or a 20-minute run after work. If you need more sleep, aim to be in bed by 10:30 one night. If your personal life needs improving, contact an old friend for a chat. Whatever your goal, do it this week.

Step by step improvements made consistently each week are much more achievable than making a whole lot of changes all at once. And each success will build up your resilience, motivation – and energy.

And next time your energy is falling, do another assessment of your batteries, and work out again what needs charging up.

Good luck!

What’s next?

This technique is one of many taught on our Managing Multiple Priorities programme. Visit our Learning & Development pages for further information on in-house and tailored training options. If you’d rather speak to someone about a specific challenge, call us on 074 3690 3103 or Contact us online

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